Scripture Verse

"Dear children, let's not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions." 1 John 3:18

Wednesday 13 January 2016

Let Go!

If we could only trust our Saviour with our problems, they would be solved beyond anything we could do.  

Notice the hand of Jesus.  He isn't reaching out to grab the problem, but waiting open handed for us to give Him our problem.

Notice the hands of the person holding the problem.  They are holding on tight...just like us and our problems.  We tend to hang on tight.  We want to give them to God.  We say we give them to God, but we take them back, we hang on too tightly.  

We need to 'let go'.   Open our hands up, drop it in the hands of Jesus!

And when those doubts and fear come knocking on our mind's door...Just answer with  "I gave it to God"  

Don't get me wrong.  There are times when we are suppose to work through our if we get ourselves in financial debt.  We have to fix that; there are many other problems/situations that we cause ourselves.  But it's the fear, the anxiety, the persecution, the hurt, the bitterness, the rage, the jealousy, ... that we need to let go of.

Trust.   Faith.