Any skit or play that is similar to one already written is unintentional.
All Skits and Plays are meant to enhance sermons and help individuals review their hearts and minds for repentance.
If you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to contact Rebekah.
Skit two
When Christian's Sin
Characters (in order of appearance):
PERSON (regular clothes), holding Bible
SIN (black pants, black tee-shirt with SIN written on front and back of shirt in large white letters) carries black bag filled with tennis balls. Should be same gender as person
CHRIST (male) (White pants, white tee-shirt with CHRIST written on front and back of shirt in large black letters)
SIN (black pants, black tee-shirt with SIN written on front and back of shirt in large white letters) carries black bag filled with tennis balls. Should be same gender as person
CHRIST (male) (White pants, white tee-shirt with CHRIST written on front and back of shirt in large black letters)
CHRIST stands near back of stage, un noticed by congregation
PERSON stands center stage holding bible, looking around the congregation.
SIN standing directly behind person (hiding); holding bag behind him/her.
PERSON holding bible close; standing looking around; smile and wave at various people in the congregation.
SIN peers over one shoulder of PERSON, then the other (always the opposite shoulder of where PERSON is looking). Steps out from behind PERSON with a wide smile. (dramatically states) "Heeeellloooo."
PERSON smiles, nods, steps away. Looks at congregation and cautiously back at SIN
SIN reaches in to bag and pulls out a tennis ball. Examines ball, holds ball out to PERSON. "Did you hear about Mrs. Turner?"
PERSON turns his/her back to SINCHRIST stands near back of stage, un noticed by congregation
PERSON stands center stage holding bible, looking around the congregation.
SIN standing directly behind person (hiding); holding bag behind him/her.
PERSON holding bible close; standing looking around; smile and wave at various people in the congregation.
SIN peers over one shoulder of PERSON, then the other (always the opposite shoulder of where PERSON is looking). Steps out from behind PERSON with a wide smile. (dramatically states) "Heeeellloooo."
PERSON smiles, nods, steps away. Looks at congregation and cautiously back at SIN
SIN reaches in to bag and pulls out a tennis ball. Examines ball, holds ball out to PERSON. "Did you hear about Mrs. Turner?"
SIN holds ball a little closer.
PERSON glances over shoulder, deciding
SIN "I heard she dies her hair. She goes to a salon once a week" pause "a day spa actually. She gets her nails done too,...and a maybe a facial"
PERSON slowly turns around, and looks at ball. Hugs bible close, then hold out (like a shield) in front of ball.
SIN "The money she uses could go to helping others; like the missionaries we support. Or the family down the street who needs groceries."
PERSON slowly lowers bible and looks at ball.
CHRIST slowly comes down to stand behind PERSON
SIN holds ball closer. "And that is not the half of it"
PERSON slowly, hesitantly takes ball.
SIN steps back and takes a new ball from bag.
CHRIST taps PERSON on shoulder.
PERSON glances at CHRIST, then turns back to look at ball in SIN's hand.
SIN steps forward, holding out ball. "The money you are going to tithe (nods knowingly) could buy the new shirt you wanted." Holds ball closer.
PERSON hesitates in taking the ball (does not take it).
SIN holds ball closer. "It would look so good on you. You could always tithe next week."
PERSON slowly tucks bible under arm then reaches out to take the ball.
SIN steps back and takes another ball from bag.
CHRIST taps PERSON on shoulder
SIN holds new ball out to PERSON. "How about that new co-worker. Good looking eh?" Shakes the ball.
PERSON looks at ball.
SIN nods head dramatically "Dreamy (sigh); a little liaison? Think about it."
PERSON hesitates in taking the ball. Looks at CHRIST. Looks at ball.
SIN shakes ball slightly. "No one would ever know!?"
PERSON moves to block CHRIST from seeing him/her as PERSON takes the ball.
SIN steps back and removes another ball from bag. holding it out to PERSON
CHRIST taps PERSON on shoulder.
SIN "Did you see the new BBQ your neighbour bought? Isn't it the one you wanted. Isn't the one you described to you neighbour?"
PERSON rearranges the collection of balls, steps forward and takes the offered ball.
SIN steps back and removes a new ball from his/her bag, and holds it out to PERSON. FREEZE
PERSON looks at ball.
CHRIST steps up beside PERSON, looking at PERSON. places hands on shoulder of person and shakes PERSON slightly/gently.
PERSON drops bible (when shaken); looks down at bible; looks at balls in his/her arms; slowly hands balls to CHRIST. Goes on knees to retrieve Bible --FREEZE for 3 count; stands up and holds bible in front of offered ball. CHRIST keeps one hand on PERSON's shoulder. PERSON keeps looking at CHRIST.
Skit one
Characters (in order of appearance):
Person (regular clothes)
sins (each person wears black pants, black shirt, and holds a tennis
ball. 5 shirts have one of the sins written across the
back...slander/gossip; lust; selfishness, jealousy; greed. 5 shirts are
plain black)
Christ (MALE) (white pants, white shirt; holding bible)
(all 'sins' are pacing back and forth across the back of stage. Person
stands middle/front. Christ stands 'hidden/un noticed' at back and to
the side of the stage)
Person: (stands, hands in pockets, whistling - giving the look of minding his own business)
Sin 1
( slander/gossip): (stops pacing and looks at person); (stealthily
walks up behind person, and looks over each shoulder-opposite shoulder
of where person looks); (steps up beside person and drapes arm around
shoulders (remains this way through out skit) and dramatically states)
Guess What!?
Person: (looks at sin 1)
Sin 1: (dramatically states) You will never believe this!
Sin 2 (lust): (stops pacing and watches)
Person: (takes tennis ball from sin 1; sin 1 and person whisper and 'giggle')
Sin 2: (steps up beside person and wraps arm around person's waist)
Sin 1: Hey lust (high fives sin 2)
Person: (looks at sin 2)
Sin 2:
(pointing out towards audience) look at that one. Mmmm mmmm mmmm What
a good looker. Those clothes sure don't leave much to the
Person: (as person
looks out toward where sin 2 is pointing, s/he takes the tennis ball sin
2 is holding out - smiles and nods approvingly at what they 'see')
Sin 1: (beckons to group of sins behind; calls out) Selfishness, Jealousy. (beckons again)
Sin 3 and 4: (look at each other and hurry over to person; both high five sins 1 and 2)
Sin 3: (looks over person's shoulder)
Sin 4: (goes and sits at feet of person and holds leg)
Person: (looks at both sin 3 and 4; looks at audience a bit bewilderedly)
Sin 3: And he bought another car.
Sin 4: How many cars does one person need?
Sin 3: Could have used that money. He should be helping others...namely me.
Sin 3 and 4: (holds out tennis ball to person)
Person: (looks at a different spot in audience, face grows 'haunty'/'angry'; takes ball from both sins 3 and 4)
Sin 3: (calls sin 5) Greed! (beckons to sin)
5 other sins (with no names): stop and watch what is going on, start to move into a group and 'whisper' amongst themselves)
Sin 5 (greed): (hurries to front and hangs onto person's opposite leg as sin 4; holds up tennis ball)
Person: (looks down at sin 5; slowly takes ball offered)
5 other sins (with no names): (hurry to person and attach themselves to person in some way; each one hands person a tennis ball after they become attached)
Christ: (slowly walks around to front of group- watching person struggle to hold all the tennis balls)
Person: (looks at Christ, tries to leave group, but is 'entangled' with sin; looks at sins; looks at audience)
Christ: (steps toward group- places Bible at his own feet straightens; raises hands as if he is nailed to the cross; freezes)
All Sins: (sins on same side as Christ, move to far side of person, but remain touching person)
Person: (kneels- places balls at Christ's feet, picks up Bible)
All Sins: (when person picks up Bible, all sin run out through the sanctuary)
Person: (sits on floor, and opens Bible)
Person freezes