Scripture Verse

"Dear children, let's not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions." 1 John 3:18

Tuesday, 25 September 2012


Does the following picture speak to you?

How many times have you stopped doing devotions or praying because of distractions?
"Hold on Lord, I need to check facebook..."  "Hold that thought, Lord, I have to answer this text..."

Did you realize that we do this to other people as well.  How many times have you visited friends and, during your conversations, had to stop to pull out your cell phone to answer a call or text? 

I think we have lost focus on what is important.
Jesus communicated with people through eye to eye contact.  He touched lives by interacting with people face to face. 
Who you talk to, at that moment, should be (and should feel that they're) the most important person on the earth.  When we talk to someone and stop a conversation to answer a cell phone call, relayes to the person that they are unimportant and not worth the time.
Remember:  we can't bring our cell phones to Heaven.  If we lose the ability to talk to others face to face, how will we ever know what to do in Heaven?...I can imagine that if we did bring our cell phones into Heaven, we would all be sitting around the perimeter of the temple texting, instead of praising God.

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